12 Age Rating
A film that is classified under the age rating of 12 is seen as being suitable for viewership of people over the age of 12, this being due to many different reasons, be that the amount of blood and gore, the language used, drugs, etc. Anyone under the age of 12 can only see a film rated 12A if they are accompanied by an adult. When an adult is planning to take a child under 12 to a 12A rated film they are advised to think carefully as to whether the film would be suitable for the child to see.
Within a 12 rated film the producers must ensure that they do not break certain rules otherwise their film will be given a higher age rating. Some of these rules include those such as violence, which in a 12 rated film should only be given a moderate screen time and should stay away from dwelling on detail, this meaning that there should be any focus on blood or injuries that'd be sustained from the said violence.
Threat is given the same rules as violence within a 12 rated film, this being that it should be kept to a moderate level, as only some physical an verbal threat will be tolerated before having to push the film to a higher age rating such as a 15.
The language that is permitted within a 12 age rating film is fairly moderate as well however, foul language should be kept to a bare minimum, and should be used within the right reasons, buy the right person etc. If any of these rules were to be broken by a slight the film would automatically be bumped up an age rating.
Other things such as sex, nudity and imitable behaviour are prohibited against being in a 12 rated film due to them being seen as non-suitable for the main viewership, which in this case are children around the ages of 12.
15 Age Rating
By the BBFC rules that one under the age of 15 is prohibited from seeing or renting/buying a 15 age rated film, this being due to the amount of un-suitable images that are used within these films.
Just like a 12 age rating but more, a 15 age rated film is allowed all the possible acts such as, Sex, Nudity, Imitable behaviour, Violence, Drugs, and Discrimination. However, the film is only allowed small portions of each one due to it still being shown to a audience that are not fully considered as adults. For example, under discrimination, the BBFC states that the film in a whole must not endorse any discrimination against anything or anyone however, racism, homophobic or other discriminatory themes and language are still allowed but only at a small level and when used in a certain manner, this being as under the form of comedy or historical correctness and etc.
18 Age Rating
Films classed as being suitable for viewers of the age 18 and over allow all kinds of things to happen, such as foul language being able to be used freely with no restrictions, this applying to the racial and discriminative language as well, as the viewership is considered to be able to handle the content as they are adults.
sexual content is also allowed to be used within an 18 rated however, if the film includes clear images that of containing real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the R18 category.
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