Thursday, 16 February 2017

Our Paper Magazine Article

This is our paper magazine article. We looked at many copies of Empire magazine to see their common themes as to how they laid out each article. They often had a large image on one half of the two page spread, with the other half full of text. The start of the article talks about the plot as a short overview, release date, certificate, cast, directors and it's duration. This tells the audience some basic information about what they are about to read and hopefully grabs their interest to read the rest of the article.

The background for the article is a vibrant red that has a gradient towards the top right hand corner towards a darker red. This continues the colour scheme that we have used for the front cover of the magazine. This continuation of the same colours should help strengthen our brand image. On the right hand side we have the main image. The image is of the two actors and they cover the whole of the page. The two protagonists are looking straight at the camera with their arms crossed. They look as if they are staring at the audience, creating a connection with them. Having their arms crossed makes them look very serious, suggesting that they are ready for something to happen.

At the bottom of each page is the page numbers. These tell the audience what pages they are on and so can be remembered for future reading. In the bottom right corner is a white fold, telling the audience what is over the next page. This interests the audience to turn over and read the article as they know what is over the page. 

The text for the article is in a white font, helping it to stand out. The text is laid out in columns which follows the conventions of other magazine articles. The columned text makes the page look more full, whilst also making it look far more professional. The font we used is called 'DragonbonesBB' which is quite thick and capitalised, that fits with the genre of horror. This is enhanced by the way the letters drag and curve, making each letter non-conventional.

At the top of the page is the mast head. 'FRESH NOW' attracts the audience to read the article as it is new and fresh. The font we used is called 'Slaytanic' and is very different to the conventional bold mastheads. The interesting and unique font will hopefully grab the audiences attention to read the article.

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